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The Wonderful wizard of Oz

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The Wonderful wizard of Oz Empty The Wonderful wizard of Oz

Post by thewizardofodd12 1/7/2010, 4:35 pm

This story is an Adaption to L.Frank Baum's classic. This has nothing to do with teen titans.

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The Wonderful wizard of Oz Empty Re: The Wonderful wizard of Oz

Post by thewizardofodd12 1/7/2010, 4:36 pm

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The Cyclone.

Once their was a little farm girl named Dorothy Gale. Dorothy was a ten year old girl and lived with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry in Kansas. Her parents had died when she was little, and she barely even remembered them. They lived on a dry prairie, but the land barely grew any thing. She once deiced to stare at the field. It seemed that it went on forever beyond the horizon. Their house was little, but it was fit to live in and they did. Dorothy wore a blue checked dress and wore her brown hair in a pony tail. It seemed that she was the only one that was colorful. Her uncle was very thin and pale and he never smiled. He worked all day and night in the field. Her aunt’s dress was ruffled and Grey. Even her rosy cheeks that were once on her face turned to grey wrinkles. She too was thin and gaunt as a toothpick. The only colorful thing on the farm was Toto, the family dog. Toto was the only thing that entertained Dorothy. The others where way too busy with the farm to do anything. One day Uncle henry stared at the sky and noticed it turned a pale green color. He knew that a horrible storm was coming to the farm and before he noticed the wind began to pick up. “Looks like their’s going to be a cyclone.” stated Uncle Henry. “We need to get to the storm cellar quickly.” Uncle Henry went to the back of the house and unlatch the cellar door. He ran inside. The twister was forming and finally it formed into a big black tunnel. Aunt em ran into the house. “Dorothy get to the cellar! A twister is coming!” shouted Aunt Em. “Okay Auntie!” said Dorothy. She grabbed Toto and ran to the cellar but as soon as she went out the house door Toto got out of her arms and ran back inside the house. Dorothy went back inside and saw Toto go under her bed. She went to her bed. “Toto, stop hiding!” Said Dorothy nervously. She could her the storm coming closer as Toto coward underneath her bed. “Toto, please!” she shouted. She tried to grab Toto but she heard the windows break and the house shake. Dorothy lost her balance and fell face forward on the foot of her bed. She pushed herself of the mattress and laid their. The house began to rise up in the air. She looked outside of her bedroom window. She was surrounded by black fog and an eerie dark blue haze. But her fear didn't last any long. She began to get sleepy as the small house rocked back and forth. She finally did fall asleep inside the tornado. Many hours later the house fell and landed with a bang. The shock woke Dorothy up. Toto was lying next to her also awake. She walked out of her room and into the small living room. Everything was in ruins. Pictures and windows were smashed to pieces. The table and chairs were flung across the room and laid their broken. She walked to the door carefully and opened it. She couldn't believe her eyes.

The Council of the Munchkins.

Once she stepped out of the house she had to rub her eyes to see if it was a dream. It wasn't. The house had landed in a field of lush green fields and colorful flowers and trees. Their was a lovely blue brook near the hill she landed on and a bridge crossed it. The sun shined brightly in the field. She put Toto down and basked around in the sun. “Oh, Toto!” she stated in sheer happiness. “This place is an absolute wonder!” She danced around until she noticed a group of strangely dressed people coming to her. Four of them were men and they all wore blue overcoats, hats, pants and shoes. Five of them were women and also dressed in shades of blue. The strangest one wasn't dressed in blue. She wore a long white sparkling dress that shined when the sun hit it. She wore a hat that was tall and was also sparking white. The brim around her hat was white and fluffy. The long scarf she wore was also fur. She carried a staff that had a capital “N” on the top of it. Her hair was white and was short. Her skin tone was a pale peach color that also had sparkle. She also seemed very young. When the group reached Dorothy they all were smiling and gasping for joy. Dorothy stared at them in wonder. “Why are they staring at me?” she thought to herself. The silence was then broken by the woman in white. “Welcome, most noble sorceress, to the land of the Muchkins and Oz!” stated the woman in white. “Thank you so much for destroying the Wicked Witch of the East!” Dorothy was very confused. She had no idea what the woman meant by called her a sorceress and what she meant by saying she killed someone. She was only a little girl and couldn't possibly hurt any one. “I'm no sorceress,” stated Dorothy. “And I'm defiantly sure that I haven't kill anyone.” The group laughed. “Well your house did anyway.” the woman said. She pointed to the left part of the house where two legs stook out of the house. Dorothy's screamed. “Oh, My!” She shuttered. “I'm very sorry!” She was very scared. The woman laughed. “No need to fret, my dear.” She exclaimed. “She was the Wicked Witch of the East, and was a cruel tyrant to all of the Munchkins.” Dorothy was still a bit nervous. “You said she was a witch?” The woman nodded. “Good. Witches are very mean.” The group laughed. “What is so funny?” asked Dorothy. “I am a witch!” said the woman in white. “I am Locasta, the Witch of the North!” Dorothy was stunned to be in the presence of a real witch. “Don't worry, for I am a good witch, and I am friends with the natives. I would have freed them myself if the wicked witch didn't put up a magic border!” She exclaimed. Dorothy was still a little bit nervous but she calmed down. “Now their three witches left in the land of Oz.” She stated. “The witches of Oz's powers of one element and one season. “ Locasta explained. “I rule in the north so my element is earth. But sometimes, it is very cold, so my season is Winter. My magic consists of spells that are related to ice, snow, dirt and everything in the dirt, such as plants.” Dorothy was some what intrigued. “What about the about the other two?” Locasta flicked her wrist and the image of a compass appeared. She pointed to the south with her staff. “That is where my sister, Glinda the Good Witch of the South lives.” Locasta explained. “She is most wise and kind.” An image of Glinda appeared. She was beautiful. She had long red hair and wore a pink crown. “Her powers come from Summer and Fire.” said Locasta. “What about the west?” The munchkins gasped. “The Wicked Witch of the West lives their.” Locasta said grimly. The image of the wicked witch appear. She was also beautiful. She had long grey hair that some what floated. She wore a black hat with yellow trimmings. It was tall and pointed westward. A black veil covered her right eye. “But she looks so pretty.” stated Dorothy. “Listen to me, Dorothy.” said Locasta. “Some things here are not what they seem. She is a mad woman and uses her magic for wickedness. Her powers consists of darkness. She doesn't even have a season for none of them are hateful and twisted! Beware of her and make sure you never travel westward.” Dorothy nodded as the image of the Wicked Witch faded. Her black lips smirking as the image faded. “Well, it was lovely meeting you all, but I better get back to Kansas.” The Good Witch frowned. “That's going to be a problem.” said Locasta. “You see, Oz is surrounded by an impassible desert. Whoever tries to pass it turns to dust.” Dorothy then frowned. “Oh, dear. Don't be upset.” said Locasta. “There is one way to get to your home.” “What?” Dorothy said hopefully. “The Wizard of Oz himself.” Stated Locasta. “Just follow the yellow brick down yonder and it leads to him.” “Thank you!” Dorothy said happily. She began to run but Locasta stopped her. “Before you go, take these Sliver Shoes. I heard that they had a magic charm.” Locasta said giving Dorothy the Silver shoes. Dorothy then put on the shoes. “I must bless you with protection so no one will hurt you.” Locasta then kissed Dorothy's forehead and a sparkling light blue kiss mark appeared and disappeared. “There! Good bye, my dear and good luck!” Locasta said to Dorothy. “Thank you so much! Goodbye!” Dorothy ran to the yellow brick road, the little people were waving and Locasta disappeared in a sparkling snow cloud.

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