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Insomnio Dictionary

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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Fishing4Infinity 4/12/2010, 5:52 pm

Befoella! Weclome to the Insomnios Dictionary! As you may have noticed, the first word of this thread is not spelled right. There is a point to that and you will see why. As you all know, I am plagued by insomnia and sometime don’t spell things correctly or I have horrible grammar at times. So, why not make a dictionary of all my mistakes! Like right then, I think… But anyways! The words that you will see in this dictionary will probably not make sense, but that’s the whole point! The majority of these words were made up at the very early hours in the morning when Rain, Mercy and myself were so fubbed up, we just started to make up words. You are all free to use these words to your advantage in posts, real life, or even in the chat box! This has taken me many months and hours and lose of sleep to do so yay! Its done(ish)! You are also free to call me an idiot for creating this as well XD!! Enjoy your painful experience as you read through the awful grammar, misspellings, and all around faip of oh-so many words!


P.S. If you have any words that you want to add, feel free to send them to me! This obviously needs more words XD!

Insomnio Dictionary InsomnioDictionaryCover
(Cover done by Mercy)


Agter: |’Aj-ter’| Adj.- When the fubbing government comes after you!

-Ex: “I heard that Karmy was agter for stealing all that glue.”

Apic: |’Ap-ik’| Noun - Something that is just beyond epic.

-Ex: “That whole post was just so apic!!!”

Awesomul: |’Aw-sum-ul’| Verb - When something morbid and graphic happens in a RolePlay

-Ex: “How awesomul was that when Ivy stabbed through Casius’ leg with her plants?!”

Ayya: |’Aye-ya’| To be overly excited about some event.

-Ex: “Ayya! I found my hat!”


Basard: |’Bas-hahrd’| Noun - A drunk, pissed off at the world conspiracy factualist

-Ex: “You basard, stop talking about bigfoot like that!”

Baxck: |’Baks’| Noun- To return to a chatbox.

-Ex: “I’m baxck! Wait, what were y’all talking about!? Who did what to that lemur?!”

Befoella: |’Beh-fo-el-la’| Verb - When someone comes in and you just have to greet them so you type their name in the middle of what ever you're are currently typing.

-Ex: “Well I was walking down the street and then I suddeBEFOELLA RAIN!!”

Booshelf: |’Boo-shelf’| Noun - A shelf that jumps out in front of you when you're trying to make a get away

-Ex: “A booshelf appeared suddenly as Abishic ran down the halls trying to escape the operatives.”

Borhter: |’Bor-he-ter’| Noun - Anyone online whom you hate with a fiery passion in real life.

-Ex: “When I signed onto the CB, I saw James on. The little borhter..”


: |'ch-ANJE-z| N.- The most terrifying, emotionally draining concept in the world. Must be defeated at any cost.

-Ex: “Once again... I have been DONE IN by CHANGES!"

Crach: |’Cr-ah-ch’| Verb - To break violently with force and pressure.

-Ex: "I just totally crached Slade's manlyhood!"


Dady: |'Da-de'| Verb: A word for fathers day!

-Ex: "Gah mah head hurts from stressing over that all dady."

Damnb: |’Dam –b’| Adj. When something you want to happen doesn't go your way.

-Ex: “Damnb fishing trip! I only caught boots!”



Faip: |’Fayp’| Verb – To fail so much, that its considered epic. And epic fail.

-Ex: “Hahahah!! Faip Mercy! Your pants don’t go there!”

Finalla: |’Fy-nal-lah’| When someone finally accepts something that is true about them.

-Ex: “Finalla, Snow admitted the she is an artist!”

Finy: |’Fin-ee’| Adj. - To be ok after a very horrible storm off

-Ex: “After the incident in the chat box, he was completely finy.”

Fivien: |’Fiv-eye-nn’| Adj. - A word used to describe a usually large number.

-Ex: "My word! It took us nearly fivien weeks to get out of that cave!"

Foog: |’Foo-gu’| Adv.- When the weather's not so great and you're hungry.

-Ex: “Its so foog right now, I wish for some tofu!”

Francium: |’Frawn-ki-um’| Noun - An element created in only Insomni Co. Exposure can cause giddiness and lack of typing skills. Coincides with the creation of new words.

-Ex: “Wow. I tosatlly cna't speel rishr now. I msuy hav gotten some Francium....”

: |’Fub’| Verb - The feeling or action of being rubbed in the tummy.(cuss word)

-Ex: “Aw fub! I just lost my train of thought again..”


Geniys: |'Jin-ies'| Noun: A combination of a gypsy and a genius.

-Ex. "Geniys Mercy!"

Gidotic: |'Ji-o-tik'|Verb - Something stupid, mindless or thoughtless.

-Ex: "You know, that move that you pulled was very gidotic. I mean come on, a whale doesn't fit inside of a cat!"


Happee: |’Hap-pé’| Verb - When one is extremely happy about something that has been accomplished on the forum.

-Ex: “He was happee when he found out that he had been made an admin.”

Hendm: |’Hen-Dim’| Noun - A place in which you rest, whether it be the floor or your bathtub. A bed also works.

-Ex: “I chose the perfect hendm last night when I had gone to take a break.”

Hok: |’Haw-k’| Adj. - To get mad at someone on the ChatBox

-Ex: “I was so freakin’ hok when she started rambling on about nothing.”


Insanity: |in-sãn-it-è| Noun. The defect of repeating the same exact thing while expecting a different product.

-Ex: I asked Roger what 3+3 was, he answered 5 and I asked him again... He answered 5. He has insanity.



Kiffing: |’Kif-fing’| Noun - Hard core killing.

-Ex: “My favorite tool to use while kiffing is a Jim Bowie knife.”

Kilarious: |’Kill-air-re-us’| Adj - funny in a barbaric and brutal way

-Ex: “I find it kilarious when people fall on their faces and break their foot.”

Kimk: |’Kimk’| Verb - to severely hurt some one with a kick.

-Ex: “I’m going to give you a swift kimk if you call me short one more time!”

Krip: |’Krip’| Verb - Much like smapping, kripping is common in CB battles. When you krip someone, they tend to fall into something particularly painful, i.e. cement and/or a wall

-Ex: “Hey! Why'd you krip me? You smapped me first!”

Kucky: |'Kuk-ee'| - a scientfic word to mean that someone or something is fortunate, with a K!

-Ex: "Why you kucky little person! You just won a height token! You get to grow an inch!"


Logicanllyr: |Lodg-i-can-llir’| Adv. - The adverb used to describe a logical fallacy.

-Ex. “That sentence was a logicanllyr, and it smelled funny too!”


Mulitasking: |’Muhl-ee-tas-king’| Adv. - When one is multitasking to the extreme.

-Ex: “I was mulitasking the other day because I had a research project to do, a dictionary to complete, an art post to do, a person on the phone, and major RP battles to complete.”




Pants: |'Pants'| Noun - Who needs em?

-Ex: “Seriously, who needs pants?”

Phobie: |’Pho-bee’| Noun - A great fear of a fictional character; symptoms include slamming head on desk

-Ex: “I have slade-o-phobie and it’s making my head hurt!”

Pogslammit: |’Plod-slam-met’| Cuss word - Best not to be defined on this site.

-Ex: “You fubbing jerk! Pogslammit, how did that happen!?”

Pox: |’Poks’| Noun - Someone's online inbox.

-Ex: “ Check your Pox Red! I sent you an awesome picture!”


|’Kor-ks’| When one accomplishes a desired goal, but just barely

-Ex: “My qorks are done! But it took me longer than I expected…”

Quarse: |’Qu-rehz’| ???? - We don’t really know what this means, but we use it whenever the time seems right, whether it be for cussing or for explaining something.

-Ex: “What the frick? Quarse that back into a fruit smoothie of gerbils!”


Realluy: |’Reel-u-e’| Adverb- An interjection of extreme disbelief.

-Ex: “He's leaving the forums over that? Realluy?”

Resdons: |’Res-dons’| Adj. - Issues involving past members, best left undiscussed

-Ex: “Why did I delete those words? For resdons of my own...”


Saem: |’Sah-im’| Adj.- When two things are similar, but just different enough that you feel the need to be different also.

-Ex: “Mercy and Snow are pretty much the saem.”

Saway: |’Suh-wey’| Adv. - When everyone is in the away section but one person

-Ex: “Poor Germy, the chat box was saway.”

Seriouskr: |’Seer-ee-uhs-ker ’| Adj. - Being unable to come up with a definition!

-Ex: “I was too seriuskr yesterday when I came up with a new word.”

Shure: |pro- sh-er| Verb: The act of not being sure.

-Ex: "I'm not shure. Is that edible?"

Slammy: |’Slam-mee’| Verb - The act of slamming one’s head into a hard surface over and over.

-Ex: “Gueen Shadow gets her slammy on!"

Slishing: |'sly-sh'| Verb, The act of grinding up ice into slush

-Ex: "My ears are making noises like shifting ice slish"

Smap: |’Smap’| Noun - To hit someone with a great force in a slapping motion.

-Ex: “I smapped that guy because he kept on making up false accusations against us.”

Soed: |’So-d’| Adj- To limp on one side.

-Ex: “By the time I was finished with him, he was soeding on his left leg.”

Stunding: |’Stun-ding’| Verb - It's when you can't stand upright because you’re in so much pain.

-Ex: “She was stunding on her hands because her leg was broken.”


Teccas: |’Tech-Cas’| Noun - Synonymous for wherever Fishing4Karma resides.

-Ex: “If you value your life, never go to Teccas!”

Tomofoo: |’Toe-moh-foo’| Adj. - A day when a user may or may not be on.

-Ex: “I probably won’t be able to tomofoo.”

Toymygh: |'Toy-mi-guh’| Noun - The word used at 4:01 a.m. to describe how much fail a thread can be.

-Ex: “Did you see that post about stealing!? That was so toymygh.”

Trisp: |’Trisp’| Adv. - To stumble uncontrollably, usually caused by having 3 left feet. You know who you are.

-Ex: “I was walking through the field when suddenly I trisped out of no where.”

Truelly: |’Tru-el-e’| Adj. - When something is so true, it's not even funny.

-Ex: “No truelly, your face was made that way on purpose.”


Uaca: |'Ou-a-ka'| Verb. - The Insomnios way of saying 'bye'. Just don't ask...

-Ex: "Uaca Shadow! I'll see you tomorrow!"



Weclome: |’Th-ow’| Verb - To welcome someone back

-Ex: “Weclome Red! Where have you been?”

Weiord: |’Wee-ord’| Adj. When weird just isn't enough to convey the surrealism that just occurred.

-Ex: “Whenever a new member enters the chat box, everything just seems so weiord to them. Poor newbies.”



Yop Yop: |’Yop-yop’| Noun - An object one holds dear to.

-Ex: "Mercy's yop yop was destroyed last night."


Disclaimer: I take no credit for this dictionary.

Last edited by Fishing4Karma on 5/17/2010, 3:09 pm; edited 9 times in total
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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Rinisa 4/12/2010, 6:06 pm

Awesome! =3
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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Vandal 4/12/2010, 6:16 pm

This will be Apic...

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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Fishing4Infinity 4/12/2010, 6:21 pm

For y'all, its gonna be tons of work for me x3x
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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by archiesangel 4/12/2010, 9:00 pm


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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Fishing4Infinity 4/12/2010, 9:14 pm

I'm gonna take that as a compliment so thank ya Archie xD!!
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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Vandal 4/12/2010, 9:56 pm

Had so much fun with it.. we're gonna have to come up with Zs and Ys...

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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Fishing4Infinity 4/12/2010, 10:01 pm

And all the rest of them XD!!
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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by redeagle321 4/12/2010, 10:04 pm

Ha ha, bravo, well done XD

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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Fishing4Infinity 4/12/2010, 10:16 pm

Danke Red :3
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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by archiesangel 4/13/2010, 4:17 am

Oh oh! DANKE DANKE!!!! That should go in there too lol

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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Fishing4Infinity 4/13/2010, 12:55 pm

I feel that this belongs on here XD!!

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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Vandal 4/14/2010, 4:16 pm


That looks like a sign for a church!

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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by archiesangel 4/14/2010, 5:30 pm

=DDD That's great!!

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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Vandal 4/17/2010, 2:16 pm

I'm so using this everywhere..

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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Naked Snake 4/17/2010, 3:51 pm


The most terrifying, emotionally-draining concept in the world. Must be defeated at any cost.
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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Vandal 4/17/2010, 4:47 pm


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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Naked Snake 4/17/2010, 6:40 pm

Mercy wrote:Wha-..?

Oh, uh, I forgot to do it in the style of a dictionary.


: CHANGES |'ch-ANJE-z| N.- The most terrifying, emotionally draining concept in the world. Must be defeated at any cost.

-Ex: “Once again... I have been DONE IN by CHANGES!"
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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Vandal 4/17/2010, 6:50 pm

Ah! That works!

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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Fishing4Infinity 4/18/2010, 2:07 pm


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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Vandal 4/18/2010, 4:24 pm


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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Fishing4Infinity 4/18/2010, 4:27 pm


Come up with a def and we're set XP
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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Vandal 4/18/2010, 4:41 pm

Snake can do the honors since I actually got that word from him.. If I were to define it I'd just say that its a euphemism for f**k.

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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Naked Snake 4/18/2010, 7:08 pm

Mercy wrote:Snake can do the honors since I actually got that word from him.. If I were to define it I'd just say that its a euphemism for f**k.

Since I stole it from Battlestar Galactica, I don't think it should be on here.
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Insomnio Dictionary Empty Re: Insomnio Dictionary

Post by Vandal 4/19/2010, 1:25 am

Oh... I never saw it.

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